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December 16 - 20



  • Read to...


  • Students will get approximately 5 minutes to review their notes from Friday's scavenger hunt activity, then they will write a short quiz on these concepts! 

  • Mini Quiz #5 

    • Students will write the quiz, and follow along as it is read to them ​

  • Once the quiz has been handed in, students will be introduced to their final project 

    • "Pose Now, Inquire Later" ​

      • For this project, students will be given a booklet that has all 7 photos in it that we took earlier this year ​

      • Each photo is a class rendition of significant events that we learned about in Chapter 2. 

      • For each photo in the handout, there is specific information that required for students to fill in and answer. In most situations, students will be asked to identify what is happening or being represented in this photo, etc. 

      • Students will need to choose 4/7 photos to analyze and respond to!

      • We will discuss these photos before students get started 

      • Students will be allowed to use their notes and their textbook to help them answer with the appropriate information. 

      • STudents will have the remaining time during period 3 to work on this, as well as period 4 




  • Read to..

  • Chapter 2 Unit Test​

    • The test will be read aloud to students and they will have ample time to review their responses before they submit their work​




  • Final day together before Christmas holidays! 

  • Today we will most likely watch a movie and say our goodbyes! 

December 9 - 13



  • Read to...


  • During Friday's class, students reviewed their quizzes with Mrs. Rypien. This took up quite a bit of time, so we didn't' get a good start on learning about the coureurs de bois. 

  • For today's class, we will learn about the Coureurs de Bois and fill in some notes on these adventurers 

  • Students will be provided with a handout that is centered around the coureurs de bois. We will work together as a class to complete these notes and discuss their importance

  • Time permitting, we will take time to review what we have just covered and fill in our Flow Chart! 




  • Read to...


  • Students will follow up on their Flow Charts from last day in order to review who the coureurs de bois were before writing a short quiz on this topic. 

  • Mini Quiz #4 - "Coureur de Bois"

    • For this short quiz, students will be given a series of True/False questions on this topic â€‹

  • Once we have finished the quiz, students will learn about the sovereign council 




  • Read to...


  • Follow up on the Sovereign Council and write a short quiz on this topic! 

  • Participate in a scavenger hunt to find information and notes on the final topics of chapter 2 (the Catholic Church, the Filles du Roi, and the Seigneurial System) 


December 2 - 6



  • Read to...


  • Due to last weeks weather and lack of attendance from students, we were not able to do Quiz 3 on Friday. Instead, we will do a review of what we have covered in the "France Expands its Empire" section using our Chapter 2 Flowchart. Students will be asked to recall some of the significant things we talked about throughout this section. We will take approximately 20 minutes to review, then students will have their Mini Quiz #3 on "France Expands its Empire"




  • Today's class will be cut short, due to Mass


  • Moving on to our next section, "Exploring Deeper into the Continent," students will learn about what the early French explorers in New France achieved, specifically who the coureurs de bois were, who they lived with, where they explored, and what they were able to do for France. Students will also make connections to the photos we took together as a class, as one of the photos represents fig. 2.12 in the textbook (coureurs de bois). 




  • Read to...


  • During today's class, students will finish discussing the "Exploring Deeper into the Continent" section by learning about how the French expanded south into what is now the United States.

  • Then, students will consider the "Different Perspectives about Land" section and individually respond to questions about it. 


 November 25 - 29



  • Read to...

  • To start out our class today, we will review what we have covered thus far in Chapter 2 using a flow chart organizer. Each student will receive a flow chart that has nine boxes on it. In each box there is a heading and as a class we will fill in the box with drawings or "jot notes" to briefly explain what the concept/main idea is! To begin today's class we will fill in the first two boxes (one on imperialism and the second on Jacques Cartier) as a quick review! 

  • This flowchart will be brought up multiple times throughout the remainder of this unit as we cover new ideas and concepts! Students will be able to go back and look at these significant events/concepts when it comes time to study for quizzes and the Unit Test! 

  • Once we have completed the first two boxes in our flow chart, students will engage in a class discussion based on their responses to last week's exit slip. I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on this questions and why they wrote what they wrote!

  • Let students know that they will have a short quiz on Jacques Cartier on Wednesday November 27th!

  • The remaining time in class will be used to introduce the next section of Chapter 2: "France Expands its Empire"

  • Students will learn about how the first permanent French colonies were established in North America




  • Read to...

  • Mini Quiz #2 - Jacques Cartier 

  • ​We will take the next 10-15 minutes to write this short quiz. The quiz will be read to students. 


  • Once the quiz has been written, we will continue to work through the "France Expands its Empire" section. Students were provided with a note booklet on Monday and we will just continue to read through the textbook together and fill in our notes as a class. In this section there are also opportunities for students to consider and analyze graphs!


  • Once we finish working through this section, we will take out our Chapter 2 Flowcharts and fill in the third box with brief summary notes! Carry this over into Friday if need be!




  • Read to...

  • Continue working through "France Expands its Empire" section 

  • Let students know that they will have a short quiz on this section: "France Expands its Empire," on Monday December 2nd!


 November 18 - 22







  • Read to...

  • Key Concepts were due Friday and I am still missing them for about half of the class. These need to be handed in ASAP


  • For today's class we will pick up with where we left off on Friday. We began discussing Jacques Cartier! Students will continue to record notes and respond to the reading comprehension questions on their section 2 handout! 

  • Once we have finished our notes, we will watch a short video on Jacques Cartier and the event of his raising the cross at Gaspe! 

  • We will discuss the impact of the video and how it helps our understanding of this important historical event! â€‹




  • Read to...

  • Continue with Jacques Cartier! Consider multiple perspectives about the events at Gaspe!


  • EXIT SLIP: Students will respond to the following question: "Would you want to be best friends with Jacques Cartier? Explain why or why not!" For this exit slip students will need to answer in full sentences. 


November 11 - 15







  • Read to...

  • Follow up on concepts: Students will get approximately 10 minutes to finish up their key concepts 

  • Key Concepts are DUE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15th


  • Focus Concept of the Day: Imperialism 

  • Students will be provided with a handout on imperialism and we will work through it together as a class! We will discuss what imperialism is, who was involved in imperialism, and what types of things led to imperialism. Students will be provided with visuals and diagrams to help them better grasp this concept! 




  • Mini Quiz #1 - Imperialism 

  • We will take the first 10-15 minutes to review what we learned during Wednesday's class, then students will be given a short quiz to test their understanding! 

  • Once we have completed the quiz, students will move on to the next section of the text, "France Takes an Interest in North America." We will take the rest of today's class to work through some fill in the blank notes and discuss Jacques Cartier's voyages, first contact and how the French claimed land! 


November 4 - 8



  • For today's class students will get their Haudenosaunee and Anishinabe booklets back, as they have all been graded. 

  • Venn Diagram - The Three Aboriginal Societies 

  • Students will be asked to complete a review project for chapter 1 that compares all three Aboriginal societies in a Venn Diagram! 

  • Students will have to cut out rectangles that contain little phrases/facts on each aboriginal society. They will then have to sort these phrases/facts into the correct section of the venn diagram (either the Mi'kmaq, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabe, or the space that represents all three aboriginal societies). 

  • Students will be allowed to use their note booklets as a reference to complete this assignment! 

  • This review activity acts as a study period for their upcoming Unit Test on Wednesday November 6th. 





  • Students will get the entire 40 minute class to write their Unit 1 Test. 

  • If students finish early, they will be provided with a handout that details the Key Concepts for Chapter 2!




  • Student Faith Retreat

  • Students will not have regular classes today. 


October 28 - November 1



  • For today's class we will continue to work on our Anishinabe booklets! 

  • We will begin class with a quick "rapid fire review" with some smarties for smart answers! 

  • We will review what we did last class to ensure students fully grasp what the values are of the Anishinabe!

  • Then we will continue through the next two sections (The Role of Women and Wild Rice Harvesters)

  • If you miss today's class, you will need to stay in at lunch to catch up!




  • Today we will finish our Anishinabe booklets! 

  • We will complete our booklets and discuss how the Anishinabe made decisions,  how they solved problems, as well as what their clan system looked like! 

  • If you miss today's class, you will need to stay in at lunch to catch up!




  • Catch Up Day! 

  • Today's class will be a catch up day for 7KR. 

  • If students are missing any pages or blanks for the Mi'kmaq, Haudenosaunee, or the Anishinabe booklets, today is the day that they can utilize extra class time to finish them! 


October 21 - 25



  • Students will finish their Haudenosaunee booklets today and cover the last two categories (Government + Decision Making). 

  • Students will need to ensure they have all blanks filled in and the final question answered before they begin assembling their booklets! 

  • These Haudenosaunee booklets are DUE TODAY!! 

  • They need to be handed in to the 7KR Social bin at the end of today's class




  • Read to...

  • Star the Anishinabe! 

  • For today's class, we will start off by doing a fun matching game that relates to the seven values of the Anishinabe. Students will be asked to work in pairs to complete a matching activity without looking in their textbooks! 

  • Once everyone has finished, I will reveal the correct answers to the class and see if anyone was able to correctly match all of them on the first try! 

  • We will then discuss what these are and why they are significant to the Anishinabe people. 

  • Then, just as we did for the first two Aboriginal societies, we will begin our booklet for the Anishinabe! 

  • If you missed today's class, you will need to stay in at lunch next week to complete these pages! 






October 14 - 18







  • Read to...

  • Ask students who were not here last Friday to stay in at lunch so they can finish their Mi'kmaq booklets! 

  • Begin the Haudenosaunee! 

  • Just as we did with the Mi'kmaq, students will complete a note booklet on the Haudenosaunee that details four key categories: 


  • World View/Values 

  • Role of Women 

  • Government 

  • Making Decisions


  • As we come to each category we will have a discussion about the key ideas and we will work together as a class to answer important questions! 

  • If we finish the first page of our booklet and we have time, we will start to work through our Kahoot on the Mi'kmaq!




  • Read to...

  • Continue to work through our Haudenosaunee Booklet! 


October 7 - 11



  • REMINDER: PLEASE BRING A DUOTANG TO CLASS ASAP! We will put our completed quizzes in these duotangs. You will then be able to refer back to these duotangs to study!


  • Read to...

  • FIRE DRILL @ 10:00am 

  • Once the fire drill is completed, we will continue to work through our Mi'kmaq pages, specifically we will discuss the Grand Council and how this would have worked! 




  • Read to...

  • Continue to work through our Mi'kmaq booklet, specifically what the roles of Mi'kmaq women looked like! We will engage in a discussion about what we think the roles of women are today vs. what was expected of the Mi'kmaq women. Students will be asked to consider whether or not there are similarities and/or differences between women's roles today vs. those of the Mi'kmaq!




  • Read to...

  • Please bring scissors to class today! 

  • Today we will assemble our booklets if we have not already gotten started on this. Ensure students have their blanks filled in and allow them time to cut their pages. Students will be provided with a page protector that they can put their completed booklets into.

  • If time permits we will do a review bingo of the Mi'kmaq!


September 30 - October 4




  • No school for students and teachers

  • REMINDER: PLEASE BRING A DUOTANG TO CLASS ASAP! We will put our completed quizzes in these duotangs. You will then be able to refer back to these duotangs to study!




  • Read to...

  • New seating plan! 

  • Placemat Review Activity: Students will be asked to work together in groups to review what we have discussed thus far with the Mi'kmaq society. Collaborating together in order to jog our memories will help solidify the information as we continue to work through this unit!  

  • Continue to work through our Mi'kmaq booklet, specifically how the Mi'kmaq made decisions and how they governed themselves. We will work as far as we can and hopefully finish learning about the Mi'kmaq this week! 




Today's class will be cut short due to the Opening Mass occurring at 9:00am


  • Read to...

  • Continue working through the Mi'kmaq booklet! We will work together as a class to continue to fill in our Mi'kmaq pages! Students will be asked to come up to the board to write down the blanks, etc. 


September 23-27



  • Read to...

  • Students will begin learning about the Mi'kmaq. We will have in depth discussions about the values, beliefs, and traditions of the Mi'kmaq people. In addition, students will look at how they governed themselves and how they made decisions as a society. 

  • Students will be provided with a booklet that we will work through together. Students must have their textbooks with them for every social class. In this booklet there will be opportunities for students to fill in the blanks (using their textbooks), consider short answer questions, and discuss answers with classmates. 

  • SIDE NOTE: PLEASE BRING A DUOTANG TO CLASS ASAP! We will put our completed quizzes in these duotangs. You will then be able to refer back to these duotangs to study!




  • Read to...

  • Continue to work through our Mi'kmaq booklet!





September 16-20



  • Read to...

  • Follow up on our Plicker review game 

  • Students will be provided with a Key Concepts Study Guide that includes all of the terms we have covered and reviewed thus far. Students must be able to identify each of the key concepts that are listed and match it with the correct definition 

  • Once students have received their study guides, we will spend the rest of our class time reviewing our key terms in a different way. Students will be paired up in order to work through a matching activity! This is extra practice for our upcoming quiz on Wednesday!



  • Read to...

  • Chapter 1 Quiz! 

  • After our quiz, we will start learning about our first Aboriginal society, the Mi'kmaq!




  • Teamwork Triathlon 

  • No classes!

September 9-13



  • Begin reading Underground to Canada at the beginning of each class. Make sure you are paying attention while I read, because you will be able to take the book test when we finish reading it. You will be able to gain points by taking the book test with our Renaissance Reader program

  • Discuss values and beliefs on page 5 of our textbooks. Students will respond to the question what do you think if important in these quotations? Underline the words that you think are important. 

  • Participate in group discussions and work on sharing our opinions



  • Work on the Key Concepts + Vocabulary Handout (pluralistic society, perspective, world view, indigenous, traditional teachings, elder, oral culture, clans, government, decision making by consensus, three sisters, clan mother, alliance, Iroquois confederacy




  • Participate in a Plicker review game solely based on the terms and vocabulary we worked on during Wednesday's lesson

September 3-6

This week we will...

  • Be introduced to assignment one: "Me Bag" - instructions are stapled to your bag! You will need to fill your paper bag with 4 things that you can use to tell the class about yourself (only 4 things, no more, no less). All of your objects must fit in the bag. You may decorate your bag if you wish, although you must have your name on your bag. Bring your bag with you to class TOMORROW (Thursday September 5) so we can share with one another!!

  • You will not get much class time to work on this first assignment, as you will need to bring your items from home

  • Go over the course outline and expectations 

  • Sign out our Voices and Visions textbook from the library. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS BOOK. DO NOT LOSE IT!

 Chapter 1 - Aboriginal Societies

  • Explore key concepts from chapter 1 (culture, pluralistic society, diversity)

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